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All Surfers Must Avoid These 9 Mistakes
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All Surfers Must Avoid These 9 Mistakes

All Surfers Must Avoid These 9 Mistakes

Calling all surfers!

Whether you’re a newbie or an expert, you might or might not know that you’re making mistakes during your surf. If you suspect that you’re making mistakes during your surf, then fear not!

In this article, we’ll look at 9 of the most common mistakes that surfers will make as they hit the waters. So, it’s surf’s up, as we dive into these common mistakes, along with the solutions to each!

    1. Not Knowing How To Swim
    2. Using The Wrong Board
    3. Forgetting To Warm Up
    4. Not Wearing Your Wetsuit Correctly
    5. Not Laying On The Board Properly
    6. Not Minding Stamina
    7. Dragging Your Surfboard
    8. Not Knowing Your Surroundings
    9. Not Properly Timing


1. Not Knowing How to Swim

Surfing involves deep waters; thus, it would be best to know how to swim to get the optimal experience.

“First and foremost, you’ll need to know how to swim before you take up surfing,” says George Throssell, a writer at Boomessays and StateOfWriting. “Surfing will have you swimming in deep waters, and you’ll most likely go underwater during your surf. That’s why you’ll need to excel in swimming before you try surfing. When practicing swimming, practice going underwater, as well as your stroking routine.”

2. Using the Wrong Board

Different types of boards are apt for different wave conditions, skill levels, and other preferences.

Next, think about the type of board that you’re using (or want to use). Chances are, you might be looking into the board for your surf. Just because you want to be like other professional surfers, doesn’t mean that you should copy their choice of boards.

In this case, go with a board that lets you tackle the waves comfortably. In other words, you’ll need a large board rather than a short one, because short ones are lightweight, and they’re most likely prone to toppling over in even the smallest waves.

3. Forgetting To Warm Up

Like any other physical activity, warming up your body prevents you from experiencing any mishaps for abrupt movements.

Before you hit the waves, be sure to warm up first. Like any other sport, surfing requires warmups before you go into the water. Warming up lets you get your blood flowing in your joints, muscles, and other essential parts of the body that are involved in surfing. Consider doing the following for your warmup:

  • Stretching
  • Push-ups
  • A light jog, etc.

4. Not Wearing Your Wetsuit Correctly

Your wetsuit is part of your surfing gear and can help protect your body, so always make sure that you wear it correctly.

Suiting up with a wetsuit should be simple, right? Well, if you’re not wearing your wetsuit correctly, then that can interfere with your surfing. If you find yourself wearing your wetsuit either inside out or back-to-front, then you’re wearing it wrong.

The correct way to wear your wetsuit is to first check that the brand logo is in the front and that your boots and gloves are tucked in properly so that no water enters your suit. Plus, look at the chain–if it’s long, then it goes in the back of you.

5. Not Laying On The Board Properly

The way you're positioning your body on your board can affect how you will welcome the oncoming wave.

Even lying on the board has to be done properly. Laying on the board incorrectly can put you at risk of unexpected drags and nose dives. That’s why it’s important to find that “sweet spot” on the board by adjusting your body so that the board is level over the water.

6. Not Minding Stamina

Increasing your stamina allows you to surf for more extended periods and helps you endure discomfort or stress when surfing.

Stamina is also important in surfing. If you don’t have enough stamina, then you’ll risk getting tired while you’re in the water. Therefore, you’ll need to train your stamina by doing exercises, including:

  • Weightlifting
  • Freehand exercising
  • Other forms of small cardio, etc.

Such exercises can help you increase stamina, especially for surfing.

7. Dragging Your Surfboard

Your surfboard is your best friend in the waters, so you have to make sure you take care of it properly.

Whatever you do: Don’t ever drag your surfboard. Even if it makes you “look cool,” don’t do it. Dragging your board in the sand, rocks, etc. As a result, the board won’t give you the best surfing experience, due to the damage.

So, instead of dragging your board, make it a habit to either carry it under your arm or place it on your head.

8. Not Knowing Your Surroundings

Roaming around the beach and doing ocular inspections will help you assess the condition of the waters and know how to adjust to the volume of people around.

“Being out on the water will expose you to different elements, including wind and waves,” says Maya Amadio, a surfing blogger at Paperfellows and Essayroo. “It’s important to stay alert when you’re out surfing, or else you’ll run into unexpected tides and currents. Being alert means preventing potential wipeouts.”

9. Not Properly Timing

You will gain timing through experience, so don't feel bad if you can't get it the first time. Just keep trying.

Finally, think about timing. Timing is crucial in surfing because you’re acting on how the waves are faring. You don’t want to act too early or too late. When you find a wave that you want to ride, then start paddling. Have your speed sync with that wave, and once you feel lifting you up, get on your board.


Now, while there are many other mistakes in surfing to avoid, these 9 are the most common. By avoiding such mistakes, you’ll be a better surfer using common sense and safety to your advantage!

So, good luck on your next surfing adventure!

Lauren Groff is a writer and editor at Essay Writing Services and She is also a contributing writer for OXEssays. As a sports writer, she covers trends and topics in surfing, swimming, and other water sports.