Why A Broken Surfboard Is Bad For The Environment
These days, while anyone can still make a wooden surfboard, the sport has evolved to include the modern surfboard industry. It’s a profitable industry; worldwide, over 400,000 surfboards are sold every year and is estimated to bring in over $3.1 billion in annual sales.
It’s an indication of how popular the sport has become today- a far cry from when it was nearly wiped out in the 19th century by European colonists who arrived in Hawaii and sought to ban it. These days, an average surfer will ideally have 4 surfboards and between that and the increasing popularity of the sport, that’s a lot of surfboards out there in the world.
And that’s a potential concern. Because during surfing, a lot can happen to surfboards. From normal wear and tear to the occasional accident, a board can suffer cracks and dents. Its fin may gouge out, the surface become delaminated or worse, it can snap in two. And it’s easy to snap a surfboard.
When that happens, it can go two ways: the broken board can be repaired, or if not, thrown out. And that’s where the problem lies.
● Toxic Surfboards
● Plastic Pollutants
● What are the Alternatives?
● Going Back to Basics
Toxic Surfboards
Modern day surfboards are made from fiberglass with a polyurethane foam core. The fiberglass is covered with a skin of hardened polyester resin. Surfboards that are constructed this way are lighter and are easier to maneuver in the surf- although some surfers will disagree.
They’re also easier and cheaper to mass produce. That’s why fiberglass surfboards are the most common boards out there today. Seventy percent of surfboards in the market are made out of fiberglass.
In general, there are two types of fiberglass surfboards in the market: polyurethane and polystyrene. Polyurethane foam is more commonly used even though polystyrene (which is also known as styrofoam) is more durable and less dangerous. This is because it’s cheaper.
But there’s a downside.
There are essentially two kinds of polyurethane foam that is being made into surfing boards. These are Toluene Diisocynate (TDI) and Diphenylmethane Diisocynate (MDI).
While most surfboard producers prefer TDI over MDI for its better shaping and durability properties, both still present significant human health risks.
That’s because the isocynate class of compounds are cancer-causing and immuno-suppressant substances. Prolonged exposure to this can be dangerous to one’s health.
Broken Surfboards: Plastic Pollutants
Broken surfboards left floating in the ocean or sunk in the seabed are also dangerous. They pose a threat to the marine wildlife which eat the debris, mistaking it for food. If they don’t end up in a sea turtle’s stomach, they’ll end up joining the growing island of plastic trash, the size of Texas, floating off our coast.
And it starts way back during surfboard production. Surfboard shaping generates polyurethane foam scraps. When these are discarded and thrown to the landfill, it’ll remain there indefinitely, leaching out who knows what kind of chemical poison that will pollute the water table and the environment.
In fact, it’s sort of a welcoming rite among eco-conscious surfers today. Getting a wooden surfboard blank and shaping it yourself is a way of acknowledging the deep kinship that we have with our wind chasing, surf riding ancestors.
Alternatives To Plastic Surfboards
The good news is, as more people become aware of the problems of global warming and plastic pollution, there’s now a significant demand for products that have lower carbon footprints and use sustainable resources.
In the surfing industry, this has resulted in a new breed of surfer-entrepreneurs who are out to protect the ocean by coming up with eco-friendly surfing boards and gear.
Using innovative approaches, they’ve managed to produce awesome substitutes that have lower carbon footprints and which use natural materials. Among these are:
Enviro-foam Surfboards
They take the scraps from standard EPS blanks, as well as styrofoam and other recyclable foams, reprocess it, and mix it with virgin EPS foam. While it’s not a hundred percent carbon-emission free since they still use virgin foam made from raw petrochemicals, its carbon footprint is still markedly lower because it recycles old foam which would otherwise be dumped in a landfill.
Mycofoam Surfboards
Biofoam Surfboards
Bio-based Resins Surfboards
Fiberglass Substitutes Surfboards
Going Back to Basics: Wood Surfboards
In fact, it’s sort of a welcoming rite among eco-conscious surfers today. Getting a wooden surfboard blank and shaping it yourself is a way of acknowledging the deep kinship that we have with our wind chasing, surf riding ancestors.
Here at Wave Tribe, my bros and I also like to think of it not only as an affirmation but a shared promise across time to continue sharing the stoke for generations onward.
That’s why we provide our customers with the option of getting their own wooden blanks so that they can feel the pride of shaping and, then later, riding on their own creation.
Our blanks are about 70% complete; all you need to do is dial in your rails and shape in your design.
Best of all, you can finish your board with just a few tools from your garage and some stoke to fuel your drive.
Check out our stuff now!
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